Metropolis 1927 Hollywood Movie Watch Online

Metropolis 1927 Hollywood Movie Watch Online
Metropolis 1927 Hollywood Movie Watch Online Informations :

Director : Fritz Lang
Writers : Thea von Harbou
Genres : Drama, Sci-Fi
Release Date : 13 March 1927
Cast : Alfred Abel, Gustav Fröhlich, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Fritz Rasp, Theodor Loos, Erwin Biswanger, Heinrich George, Brigitte Helm

Casting in Metropolis 1927 Hollywood Movie :
Alfred Abel as Joh Fredersen, the leader of the city.
Gustav Fröhlich as Freder
Brigitte Helm as Maria
Rudolf Klein-Rogge as C. A. Rotwang, a mad scientist.
Heinrich George as Grot, Foreman of the Heart Machine.

Metropolis 1927 Hollywood Movie Watch Online Full Movie

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